Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My second year of EFY has come and gone, and boy oh boy was it a doozie. The trauma of being stolen away from Daddy again and again was almost too much to bare. And to think of all the times I sat back and mocked Melvin knowing full well where he was...oh the irony...the bitter, bitter irony!

But with the bitter comes the sweet...yes the sweet, sweet milk of victory. For the love of my life, or at least the week, Gabriela and I were finally united. We talked into the wee hours of the morning and she opened up with her fears that she would be abandoned to obscurity by not only Troy and his helmet hair, but also of her mother. At least I had a daddy who was always looking, praying, and possibly even fasting that one day we might be reunited. Alas, but not poor Gabriela. You're probably at the bottom of a box somewhere, but dear beautiful COW of mine, I will never forget you!

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