Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Stop on the Tour: Chicago!

Daddy is going to start traveling every week. That means a lot of stress for him but tons of adventures for me!

First stop, Chicago! And we're staying downtown! And...we're sitting in traffic. In fact, we spent many hours sitting in traffic. Boo! What fun is having nothing to do other than listen to Dad sing, or scream, along to a Glee! album? Please...think of the children!

Dad realized around 11 last night that he forgot his belt so he had to get one before his first meeting. Where can you go at 7 am to buy a belt? Am I seriously at Walmart?

Yay! We're off to do something fun! I've wanted to see Billy Elliot for like ever and now we are going to! Are there going to be talent scouts in the audience, do you suppose?

WOW! We're 10 rows up right in the middle! I LOVE my daddy!

OMG! We were walking back to the hotel and right around the corner we ran into Giuseppe Bausilio, aka Billy Elliot! He's almost adorable as me!
-Um, Lil' G, normal people don't talk like that
-Um, Dad, normal people don't talk to little stuffed giraffes they keep in their pocket

The weather was amazing in Chicago! And the town really lived up to it's "Windy City" name. As soon as Dad took this picture, a gust nearly knocked me off the bridge. I fear what would happen to Dad if I was ever truly lost. I think it would involve a general lack of personal hygiene, not moving a muscle for days, and a possible 24 hr watch to ensure he doesn't go overboard and buy every stuffed giraffe he can get his hands on.

Dad had already been to Chicago before I came around, and with his schedule we didn't get to do all that much. Mostly we sat in traffic, Dad went to meetings, and then back here to the hotel room. It's okay, next week we're off to Salt Lake City!!

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