Friday, September 10, 2010

Lil' G Goes to Washington!

Oh, and Daddy was there, too...

Ok...I was so excited, I might have spent the night in the car.
Come on, Dad! Let's get this show on the road!!!

Whew, we finally made it. We were staying with Aunt Erin Jo and Uncle Dallin so we had to take the train down to Alexandria...which meant more waiting. Ugh! I can barely stay in my stitching I'm so excited. Let the adventures begin!!

That first night we went down to Oldtown Alexandria for dinner and I saw this...for those in the U-Crew: Isn't this beautiful!!!! U-S-A (clap clap clap) YES! BEAUTIFULLLLLLL!!!

Uncle Dallin said that this was the CVS that George Washington went to for his prescriptions and wooden toothies repairs. Daddy was eating it up, but giraffes are skeptical creatures, by nature, so I was quite dubious to say the least.

The next morning we were headed down to the Lincoln Memorial for Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally and holy hippos were the trains packed. Good thing I'm pocket-sized!!

We're here! On our way we heard a lot of protesters saying how hateful Glenn Beck is and how he's a liar and has poopy breath. This should be some good action!! Let's see what kind of crazy, fanatical, racist, haters of all things that are good and fluffy actually attend these things...

The horror lies before us as we make our way with about 40 minutes before it starts. How many lawn chairs and fanny packs does a normal mob have, cause this is highly disappointing. A man apologized for stepping into Dad's picture, people were moving out of the way to make room for us, and if I had to hear one more 'oh pardon me' I was gonna puke. This had all the makings of a wilder beast stampedee, but it turned out to be one big boring love-fest of inclusiveness and diversity. Let's see if I can change this...

"Hey hippy! Cut that hair!" Dang it! All he did was smile and wave. Not even a swear word.

Fine....I give in. If you can't beat them, or make them beat on each other...join 'em.

After the rally, we decided to hit up a few museums. First stop: the Holocaust Memorial. We couldn't take any pictures inside, but needless to say, Daddy shed many a tear. I can't really mock him this time...if I were equiped with the proper glands, I would've been bawling too. I just don't get humans sometimes...

From there, the National Air and Space Museum. This shows the requirements to be an airline stewardess in the 1950s. After reading this, Erin Jo was like 'this is the worst thing I've ever seen!' Ummm...we just came from the Holocaust Memorial and this is the worst thing you've ever seen??

Psssss....spread the word...I got it all worked out....tonight's the night. Be ready and make sure yall pack your swim suits!

Kermit!?! Did Aunt Kati get tired and donate you to the Smithsonian?? Oh Daddy, please tell me I'll never end up encased in glass! How could I ever have an adventure?? This is far too disturbing, let us leave this place.

Ever bite down on aluminum foil? I've now felt your pain!

While Daddy was running from harmless bees, I was taking on this brute of a beast. Haggard isn't around to save your butt this time, buddy!

Ummmm...Ma'am...I really don't think you're supposed to be eating in here. Hey! Who do you think you are just sitting down like you own the place?? You better hurry up, the security guard is on his way. Daddy, do something! She looks even more pathetic, lost, and afraid than you on a basketball court.

Finally some grub. If the hamburger is as tall as I am, you know Daddy's one happy man.

The Capitol...or, as one tourist around us thought, the White House. No lie.

Now we're really at the White House. I had to leave everyone at the gate while I went in and presented the demands of 'We May Be Stuffed, But We Still Feel - Giraffe Chapter' to President Obama. Unfortunately, no cameras were allowed, so I don't have any evidence of the meeting, but I dare you to check the White House log book.

Finally, after a long weekend, my hooves are hurtn and Daddy's wheezing, but oh the fun we had! This weekend just couldn't get any better. that a T-Rex?? Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!! Can I go play? Huh? Can I, Can I, Can I??
-Now Lil' G, what have I always said about playing with a T-Rex?
-They have a complex about their tiny forearms, and are more explosive than the Lactinator.
-That's right, better to be safe than sorry.
-Fine....whatever. Let's just get back to Texas so we can start another adventure!

1 comment:

  1. MORE explosive that the Lactinator?! Now THAT is a terrifying thought! I'm just glad those kids made it out of the hospital. I was genuinely afraid for the lactose intolerant one!
