Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Flip, Flip, Flip-adelphia!

On the road, again. This time...Philadelphia!

DFW Airport...yet again. We were just sitting there, minding our own business, when this Army guy comes up with his dog. Dad, ever biased toward cute dogs, was excited. I, however, am still fighting the ghosts of my past. And with Chet out there doing who-knows-what in my name, I was naturally a little nervous. Dad told me to come out of his luggage and take a look. As soon as I got out, Scruffy here got all kinds of excited. Whether he thought I was my evil-twin Chet in need of justice or a chew toy, it didn't matter...I started to squirm and whimper until Dad tucked me safely away.

The actual Liberty Bell! If you line up the crack with the third pane of glass from the left during the Winter Solstice, I'm told a shadow will be cast that opens a door which leads Ben Franklin's secret stash of BBQ turkey legs.

Hey! What's up with all the white guys? Where's the giraffe delegation??

Getting in line to go inside Independence Hall. Indeed.

The courtroom side of Independence Hall. Our tour guide is holding a royal seal that hung above the judge's stand prior to July, 1776. The story is that when the people heard the Declaration of Independence read in the courtyard, they ran inside and with Patriotic zeal tore down all symbols of Great Britain, dragged them through the streets, and then set them ablaze. Proving the notion that Philadelphia fans haven't changed at all in the last two centuries.

The chair at the front of the room was the actual one George Washington sat in as President of the Constitutional Convention! Dad almost threw me up there so I could touch it, but our tour guide had a pony-tail and we all know that he's leery of men with ponytails.

The location of one of Daddy's favorite moments of musical motion pictures. Anyone who has seen the musical 1776 should recognize this and instantly giggle as the image comes to mind of Franklin, Livingston, and Sherman do a high-kick routine down these steps singing 'Combustibility! Combustibility! Com-busta-bil-it' and then John Adams screams 'QUIET!!' Classic.
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about...
Oh yeah, this was also the building where some of the leading minds of the 18th Century put together this crazy idea of freedom, limited government, and individual responsibility. But while I'm still waiting for the Giraffe Civil Rights Amendment I drafted during my tenure as President of We May Be Stuffed But We Still Feel - Giraffe Chapter...I have hope in America.

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