Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Again with the Utahness?

Holy cow, (I promised Carol I would throw in a shout out to her in my next blog post) we're back in Utah! Oh wait, it involves Uncle Richie? Okay, that makes sense. Well Aunt Kati and I (oh Dad was there, too) were in the Beehive State -- which, btw, is blatant favoritism to a stinkn' insect. The We May Be Stuffed But We Still Feel: Giraffe Chapter will hear about this -- all of about 24 hrs. So what can do for a few hours? Let's hit the slopes in Park City!!

Ooooo....we're almost to the ski lift! It's a well documented fact that giraffes are natural skiers, what with our unparalleled equilibrium and our sensitivity to the Earth's magnetic field, but apparently it doesn't run in the family cause dad didn't want any part of it. Fine, we'll just walk up and down Main Street like a bunch of losers.

So Dad didn't want to "show off his major snowboarding skills" but when someone brought up hot cocoa, he was more giddy than a gorilla in heat.

Eat more chicken! Seriously, this vaca aint messin around! For the love of all that is green and good in this world... eat more chicken!!!

Hey,'s Marty the Moose's hippie cousin, Moonshine. Um...Moonshine, when was the last time someone changed your poncho, cause girl you be stanky.

For all those who couldn't see Uncle Richie star as Romeo in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, here's what you missed. Spoiler Alert: They both die.

Richie, Richie, wherefore art thou, Richie? Seriously, where are you? It's like midnight and we're still at BYU and dad is hogging the soft bench. I asked why I couldn't share it and he said a grown man sleeping with a stuffed animal was not socially acceptable. OH? and keeping one in your pocket and blogging about it is?

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